Designer: 4305 Design
Builder: Thirdson Construction
Project: New Build 110m2
This little house in Karalee is grounded firmly in the landscape. Superbly energy efficient (9.1 stars!), the home celebrates the subtropical lifestyle, collects Queensland’s winter sun in all the right places, and is packed with accessible features.
Material selection, energy efficient construction methods, low VOC products and reducing landfill were critical during house construction to reduce this dwelling’s impact on the environment.
It’s the combination of sustainable design and sustainable construction that makes this project truly unique.
The Thirdson Construction team works directly with building suppliers, waste contractors and tradespeople in three areas:
Typical of a light weight timber, brick veneer with metal roofing house, this build produced a total waste volume of approx. 16m3.
We managed to divert 10m3 of waste away from landfill and back to remanufacture/recycling by separating our waste streams onsite, recording the data and arranging for separate collection and drop offs. Quantities are rounded to nearest cubic metre.
PVC Pipe fittings and offcuts from plumber’s drains and stormwater. This consisted of 70% pipe offcuts and 30% fittings either damaged, replaced or glued incorrectly etc during install. These were sent to the construction waste recycling program for remanufacture in Brisbane.
We were lucky to have the space on this site to do this case study, but it proves without a lot of extra effort the construction industry could reduce their contribution to landfill by up to 60% right away – Director David James
Thirdson Construction believe that: